We ask that you keep in mind that delivery times will be extended and unpredictable. We cannot guarantee that any item will deliver by a certain date. Many major carriers have removed their service guarantees, meaning they do not guarantee delivery by a certain date either. Please plan accordingly when making your purchase.
Affected by the covid-19, some shipping routes were suspended, and some countries closed their land customs clearance ports, which has caused the postal export of international mail to be blocked.
During normal times, this is also a holiday period for many of our factory partners around the world. Because of COVID, this years observation of the holiday is disrupted, but it does not mean business as usual. We expect shipping delays with factories that observe the holiday period anyway. However, it is hard to predict which items and factories will be affected.
Please contact us regarding delayed shipments. Bear in mind that we do not control the carrier's operations or delivery speed, but can check the shipment progress and provide updates.
We thank you for your patience and understanding during this unprecedented time.
You can track your orders here using the tracking number sent to you via email. If you have not received this information, please verify the email address provided with your order. If this information needs to be corrected or if it is correct, but you have not received your tracking number, please contact us. If you have questions about the tracking data, please review our shipping FAQs